Monday 16 December 2019

                 TO BE OR NOT TO BE
Risultati immagini per to be or not to be

 This is the third Act of Hamlet. This sliloquy is very important because is a transitional phase for Hamlet. He's thinking about life and death, because he doesn't know if is better live or kill himself.
If he lives he have to suffer the arrows of autrageous fortune but if he sleeps he can stop every single pain.
His indecision and his delaying  make us understand that he wants to kill himself because he doesn't want to suffer for injustices. He thinks he's alone after his father's death and after have discovered the truth about his father's death he doesn't want to stay with his mother that married the man that had killed her husband and also the man that had stolen his trone.
Risultati immagini per to be or not to be soliloquyHamlet doesn't know what to do because he's very scared about the afterlife because he doesn't know what's going to happend.
He wantsto kill him self but he knows that in this way he will go to purgatory. But it's not just about killing himself but also about the mission: to avenge his father's death by killing his father's murdrer. But also if he kills someone he will go to the hell. At the end he thinks what to do and even if in the soliloquy we have a list of all the things that annoy him, there's a fear of the unknow that change everything.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Risultati immagini per HAMLETRisultati immagini per HAMLET

The plot is set in Denmark.  Hamlet discovered is father's dead and also  that his mother has married Old Hamlet's brother, Claudius, and that Claudius is now king.One night, the ghost of Hamlet's father appears to him, accusing Claudius of his murder and urging Hamlet to revenge.Hamlet fakes madness in an attempt to provide himself with proof that the ghost is telling the truth.
he persuades a travelling band of actors to re-enact the story of his father's murder in front of Claudius and Gertrude, hoping that Claudius will be so stirred by remorse that he will confess his crime. During an intense meeting with his mother, Hamlet hears a noise and realises that they are being spied upon. In rage, he stabs the hidden eavesdropper, believing it to be Claudius. Instead his discovers it is the King's adviser, Polonius, father to both Ophelia and her brother, Laertes. Polonius dies.
Ophelia, having been violently rejected by Hamlet, hears that her father has been murdered. She loses her mind and eventually drowns herself. Her brother, Laertes, returns to court at the head of an angry mob, determined to find out the truth. Claudius convinces him that Hamlet is the only guilty party and agrees to help Laertes gain revenge. Claudius convinces Laertes to challenge Hamlet to a fencing match and advises Laertes on how to kill Hamlet during the duel without arousing suspicion. As a back-up plan, Claudius also poisons a glass of wine which he intends to offer to Hamlet. Gertrude, however, drinks from the glass first and dies.During the duel, Hamlet is slightly wounded by Laertes, who has tipped his sword with a deadly poison. In the ensuing tussle, the swords get switched and Hamlet wounds Laertes with the poisoned one. Realising that he is about to die, and that Claudius has manipulated the situation, Laertes confesses everything, forgives Hamlet and dies.
As the poison takes hold and he realises that he too is about to die, Hamlet finally carries through his dead father's wish for revenge. He forces Claudius to drink the remaining poisoned wine, which quickly takes effect.

Monday 1 April 2019

                      THE MIDDLE AGE

750 BC: The Celts  


476AD: The fall of roman empire

450AD: The anglo-saxons arrived in Great Britain.

 675-1000 AD: Beowulf, an anglo-saxon epic poem

500 AD: the beginning of islam with islamic expansion

INVENTIONS: greek fire

673AD: viking invasions

800AD: Charlemagne bring education for all the people and also for a little part of the women.

1066: the norman conquest 
William the Conqueror arrived in Great Britain

1096: the christians are attacking. The crusades 

1154: Henri II began to rule.

1164: the Constitutions of Clarendon. 
Thomas Becket refused it and he was murdered in Canterbury cathedral.

1215: Magna carta to limit royal power

1216: In Europe we have the birth of universities.
  • Bologna 
  • Parigi
  • Oxford
New inventions like compass and spinning wheel.

1337-1453: the Hundred years war.

1350: the Black Death

1343: Geoffrey Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales.

1436: the invention of printing press.

1455: the War of the roses 

1492: Colombus discovers 

..The beginning of a new era: the Renaissance

"The School of Athens" by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino.jpg

Saturday 23 February 2019

Successor to the throne

  1.  William the Conqueror: he won the battle of Hastings and took over the kingdom of England. He died in 1087. 
  2. Henry I: he became king of England in 1100 and his reign was peaceful, but his heir died in a shipwreck. So he wanted that his daughter Matilda succeed him but his nephew Stephen claimed the throne.
  3. Stephen: he crowned himself, but Matilda fought against him and this period of civil war is called Anarchy.When he died, Matilda's son became the king.
  4. Henry II: he was the first Plantagenet King. He reinforced his power at the expense of the church and he established a regular sistem of finances. He was a warrior king and a chavalric hero and he replaced the feudal duty of military service with a tax known as "scutage". He died in 1189.
  5. Richard I: he was known as Lionheart. He was more preoccupied with the state of his french terriories and the crusades. He died in 1199 and he was succeeded by king John.

Monday 3 December 2018

              Different types of diet

There are a lot of different types of diet that people using all around the world.

The Paleo diet

Risultati immagini per paleo dietThe Paleo diet is a natural way of eating, that abandons all intake of sugar, and the only sugar comes from fruit.
A paleo diet consists of fish, vegetables, sweet potatoes and nuts.

The blood type diet

The blood type diet some doctors have started to research diets that coincide with particular blood type. The premise of these diets attempts to match people with their common dietary needs based on their blood type.
Risultati immagini per blood type diet

The vegan diet

Immagine correlataThe vegan diet eliminates meat and animal products. These diet reduces the intake of cholesterol and saturated fat. All the people that practice this diet minimize coronary heart disease.

The Mediterranean diet

Risultati immagini per mediterranean dietThe Mediterranean diets avoid a lot of meat. This diet has been proven to help with depression and it recommends the use of oil as much as possible as an alternative to butter.

The south beach diet 

Risultati immagini per south beach dietsThe south beach diet is based on the premise of changing one's overall eating habits. It doesn't eliminate carbohydrates, but it educates on which carbs to always avoid. 

                              Healthy food and Junk food

Risultati immagini per healthy food Eating a healthy food that includes lots of fruit, vegetables can help you maintain a steady weight. Having a good variety of these foods every day leaves less room for foods that are high in fat and sugar. 
A well-balanced diet provides all of the:

  • energy you need to keep active throughout the day.
  • help you to stay strong and healthy and help yo prevent diet-related illness.
Healthy diet are made up of legumes, fruits, vegetables and likely to get enough of the nutrients, like fiber calcium and potassium. 
Risultati immagini per unhealthy food

Unhealthy diets are high in fat, saturated fat and added sugar. These diets contain fast foods that don't contain 
nutrients. Junk food contain ingredients that can damage your health. Trans fats are used in many fast food restaurant and in many prepackaged food such as cookies and cakes. The reason you end up paying more for fruits than for a product like macaroni and cheese is because the food industry prioritizes packaged food.

Monday 29 October 2018


Risultati immagini per globalizationGlobalization is a process of integration amount the people and companies. This process has effects on the environment and on culture. Globalization exist to thousand of years, and corporation have been buying to each others in lands at great distances.
Immagine correlata

All these are supported by technology because is one of the principal driver of globalization, and it has transformed economic life.

It's only through globalization that people move freely across the world. People, thanks to technology can share ideas within some minutes through the internet, which has facilitated communication and connectivity.

Risultati immagini per multinational corporation
Another driver of globalization are the multinational corporations but sometimes they are also affected by globalization in ways they may or may not like.
These effects on a multinational can be good or bad,depending on the nature of the corporation in question.

Risultati immagini per positive and negative effects of globalizationGlobalization has positive and negative effects:globalization has resulted in the formation of multinational and the concentration in specific geographical economies has led to investment in new geographical areas, where market competition is very high.
There are also negative effects. The climate are now a serious problem for the future of the world, all because of globalization.

Risultati immagini per globalization png
Due to globalization, most global economy jobs are temporary. The impact is mostly felt in developed countries since the can outsource cheaper white collar and manufacting jobs. Globalization gives business access to market that would have been difficult to reach in the pass.

Immagine correlataWTO= The world trade organization is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nation. They operates aglobal system of trade rules.